Empowered Women: Listening to Ourselves

Throughout history, women have faced great societal pressure, which made it challenging for them to follow their own instincts. However, as times change and women become more empowered, it is essential for each woman to recognize the importance of listening to herself rather than succumbing to the opinions of others. By honing in on our inner voice, women can begin to make better life decisions that align with our goals, dreams, and overall wellbeing. In this article, we will explore why women should trust their own judgment when making life choices.

Why do we listen to others and not ourselves

We live in a complicated but disjointed society that just loves telling us what we want and what we need as well as what we should do and how we should feel. It’s not easy to listen to find your inner voice because you have so many voices in your head telling you what you should do. I have my mother’s voice always checking my every career move even though she knows nothing about my industry. My cousin’s words ring in my head every time I argue with my husband even though she barely knows him. Not to mention all the other voices from the community, the school moms, the gym buddies, my church, my neighbors, and social media in general who all assume the all-powerful influencer roles in my psyche.

It becomes more and more difficult to trust yourself as you keep making one bad life decision after another (speaking from first-hand experience!). I began doubting my decision-making abilities very early on as regrets started piling up and my confidence took a hard knock. Whether it was a bad breakup or a bad investment, regret is not an easy pill to swallow. Over time we fall into the trap of listening to other’s advice because it seems easier than thinking for our self and we also default to I am not good enough to decide for myself.

We assume that everyone else knows better than we do. We assume that “everyone else is smarter, wiser, and has the answers,” said Kirsten Brunner, LPC, a perinatal mental health therapist and relationship counselor in Austin, Texas. We also get addicted to the feeling of social fulfillment which appeals to the insatiable people pleasers in us (sadly most women are that by nature). We let other people’s expectations, standards, and values guide us. We crave their acknowledgment and their praise and we succumb to losing touch with our true selves in the process.

Why you should stop listening to others

Before we even begin with listing all the logical reasons why you are the expert on you and why even if you don’t know something, nobody can know what’s best for you better than you, please remember this:

You already have all the answers. You can find them by asking the right questions and getting curious about yourself.

Make yourself a priority. Ask yourself and find out where and who you want to be and what will make you happy.

All those other voices you’ve learned to turn to for answers come from people who even though may have your best interest at heart, give biased advice which comes from personal experience and they may not know you as well as they think they do.

This is why you should learn how to know, hear, listen to, and respond to your own inner voice.

Why you should listen to yourself more

1. Individuality and Self-Awareness

Every woman possesses a unique set of life experiences, skills, talents, and passions. By listening to yourself, you will have the opportunity to embrace your individuality and strengthen your self-awareness. Understanding who you truly are, what you value, and what brings you joy is crucial when making life decisions. The ability to tune out external noise and expectations will allow you to tap into your inner voice, which is an invaluable resource guiding you on your journey.

2. Enhanced Confidence and Self-Esteem

Listening to your own thoughts, desires, and aspirations inherently boosts confidence and increases self-esteem. When women trust their own judgment and act upon their own beliefs, they establish a sense of empowerment. By doing so, women can channel their inner strength and overcome challenges that come their way, ultimately fostering personal growth and development.

3. Owning Your Decisions

When women make choices based on their own desires and beliefs, they take responsibility for their actions and embrace accountability. This ownership of decisions allows women to take control of their lives and pave their path to success. Whether it pertains to career choices, relationships, or personal growth, listening to yourself will help you build a life that is authentic and fulfilling.

4. Nurturing Mental and Emotional Well-being

By prioritizing self-reflection and trust in your decisions, you will enhance your mental and emotional well-being. Seeking approval from others may result in anxiety, self-doubt, and an overall lack of satisfaction in life. Conversely, by listening to your inner voice, you can identify your true needs and desires, leading to more fulfilling relationships, better career choices, and a generally happier and healthier lifestyle.

5. Pursuing Fulfillment and Happiness

Ultimately, each woman strives to lead a life filled with happiness and fulfillment. By ignoring external opinions and focusing on personal wants and needs, women have a greater chance of attaining these aspirations. Listening to oneself is crucial in identifying personal goals and charting a path that aligns us with our innermost wishes and dreams. When women trust their instincts, they are more likely to find joy and satisfaction in their choices.


In a world that often bombards women with opinions, expectations, and external influences, it is imperative to prioritize self-listening and trust oneself when making life decisions. Empowering women to tune in to their inner voice leads to enhanced self-awareness, confidence, accountability, and overall well-being. By trusting ourselves, women can pave the way for a more fulfilling, authentic, and successful life. So, let us encourage all women to silence the noise of others and start making decisions that truly resonate with their own dreams and aspirations.

+ Resources


Traveling as a Breastfeeding Mother


Holistic Postpartum Wellness